Working with plants to support the body’s innate capacity for healing.

Arnica in a mountain meadow.

Arnica in a mountain meadow.


I practice Western Energetic Herbalism. Through one-on-one health consultations, I work collaboratively with clients to address health issues and uncover the patterns that give rise to illness. Together, we address the root causes of imbalance and employ the help of some powerful plant allies to realize greater physical, mental and emotional health.

As a practitioner of holistic herbalism, I work with the whole person rather than just a disease or its symptoms.* Following an in-depth intake and interview process, I make recommendations for dietary and lifestyle shifts, and craft an individualized herbal formula to bring about greater health and vitality. Customized herbal formulas are based on clients’ unique constitution, energetics, health issues and goals.

Who will benefit?

Herbalism is beneficial for anyone working toward a more balanced health picture, and can be a particularly effective approach for those who are dealing with chronic or long-term physical or emotional health issues. I specialize in working with people who are experiencing a confluence of physical and emotional symptoms.

What to expect

When you set up an appointment, you will be provided with an in-depth intake form to fill out ahead of time. This intake form is longer than what you may be accustomed to at a doctor’s office because I look holistically at your mental, emotional and physical health. Depending on the health issue(s) being addressed, the healing process may see dramatic changes right away or may involve working together over time to shift some deeper patterns.

herbal medicine

I make potent, hand-crafted herbal medicine products under the banner of Spring Creek Herbs. I organically grow or ethically and sustainably wildcraft almost all of the herbs that I use in medicine making; a few exceptions that don’t grow well in the Pacific Northwest climate are purchased from trusted organic sources.

I’ve been making herbal medicine for over a decade. I work with both the medicinal constituents and the energetics of the plants to create formulas that are multi-layered, synergistic and effective.

I make medicine in small batches with a lot of intention. You can find my products at herbalism conferences, by contacting me directly or by visiting Clary Sage Herbarium, 2841 NE Alberta St. in Portland.


Aspens growing in community.

Aspens growing in community.

philosophy of practice

I’m inspired by Vitalist and folk herbalism traditions in which health care is practiced on a community level, is connected to place, and respects each person’s unique capacity for healing.

Everyone’s body is different, and we all find homeostasis in a different place. Where each of us finds health and balance has a lot to do with our constitution, or our unique biological make-up. There are subtle and not so subtle differences in our metabolism, blood pressure, digestion, temperature, body size, mental/emotional tendencies and myriad other factors that are natural and healthy. All of these factors exist on a spectrum, and leaning one way or the other is not inherently a problem. When one or some of these factors fall out of balance, however, it is important to address the root cause of the problem and not just look for the quick fix by treating symptoms as they manifest.

In order to assess where the root cause of an illness lies, herbalists conduct a constitutional assessment. This allows us to gain an understanding of what balance looks like for a particular individual and where the body might be compensating. In other words, one size does not fit all when it comes to finding the “correct” diet, lifestyle, or most effective and appropriate method of health care.

The natural world is one of our strongest healers, and by working intentionally with the plants around us we can take powerful steps to improve our mental, emotional and physical health.

I believe respectful, effective and empowering health care should be accessible to all people regardless of income, race, age, gender or physical ability. I offer my services at a sliding scale and am open to working with folks for whom cost is a barrier.

background & training

I have been working with plants and studying herbal medicine for over 10 years. From 2006 to 2010, I lived on a rural homestead in the mountains of North Carolina, immersing myself in the rich ecosystems and medicinal plants of southern Appalachia. While there, I embarked on my herbal education and began working with members of my immediate community to address health issues through herbs and nutrition. I have carried my botanical passions to Cascadia and elsewhere, continuing to study and practice and explore the land around me. Spring Creek Herbs is the product of many years of training, practicing, and working with the plants.

I have earned certificates in Herbalism from the Chestnut School of Herbalism in Asheville, North Carolina, the Columbines School of Botanical Studies in Eugene, Oregon and the School of Traditional Western Herbalism in Portland, Oregon. I have also learned from other amazing teachers like Althea Northage-Orr, Paul Bergner, Tania Neubauer, 7Song and Lydia Bartholow. I have a deep love of the wild, and continue to learn from my clients, my peers, the land and the plants themselves.

In 2009, I helped found the Sassafras Community Health Collective, which provided free health care and health resources to underserved communities in Asheville, North Carolina. I moved to Portland, Oregon in 2011, and in 2015 I helped start a monthly free clinic serving people experiencing homelessness and other barriers to accessing health care at Sisters Of The Road. This project has grown to become the People’s Health Clinic of Portland, now housed at Operation Nightwatch. We continue to host a holistic, multi-modality walk-in clinic on the last Friday of each month.

* Abigail Singer is not a medical doctor, and neither she nor Spring Creek Herbs purports to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Abigail offers health education, energetic assessments, and herbal, nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to support health and wellbeing.
